New BlackArch Linux ISOs and OVA (2020.12.01) Released

BlackArch Linux New
BlackArch Linux New

New BlackArch Linux ISOs and OVA (2020.12.01) released with more than 2600 tools included.

In this version, the developers renamed “Live ISO” to “Full ISO” and working on a “Slim ISO” with XFCE DE.

BlackArc Linux ISO using for ethical hacking and penetration Testing, now it comes with more tools and package updation. It is powered by advanced Linux 5.9.11 kernel. BlackArch is compatible with Arch Linux ARM.

BlackArch is a penetration testing distribution based in Arch Linux that provides a large amount of cyber security suits. It is an open-source distro created specially for penetration testers and security researchers.

Black Arch is similar to usage advance operating system to both Parrot OS and Kali Linux when fully installed. A critical difference between the other distributions and BlackArch however, is that BlackArch does not provide a desktop environment but provides a lot of Window Managers pre-configured.

The new BlackArch Linux ISOs and OVA image. Many improvements and QA went through all packages and tools Blackarch Linux offers! For details see the ChangeLog below.

Here’s the ChangeLog:

  • Added more than 100 new tools
  • Renamed ‘live iso’ to ‘full iso’
  • Updated blackarch-installer to v1.2.16
  • Included linux kernel 5.9.11
  • Adapted ISO creation to the new archiso version (work in progress)
  • Removed unnecessary files from the ISO env
  • QA’ed and fixed a lot of packages (runtime exec, missing dependencies, etc.)
  • Updated all vim plugins and improved vim config options
  • Updated all blackarch tools and packages including config files
  • Updated all system packages
  • Updated all window manager menus (awesome, fluxbox, openbox)

You can also install BlackArch on top of Arch Linux by using the following commands:

# Run as root and follow the instructions.
$ curl -O

# Verify the SHA1 sum
$ echo d062038042c5f141755ea39dbd615e6ff9e23121 | sha1sum -c

# Set execute bit
$ chmod +x

# Run
$ sudo ./

# Enable multilib following and run:
$ sudo pacman -Syu

Installing from ISO

You can install BlackArch Linux (packages AND environment) using the Full or Netinstall medium.

# Install blackarch-install-scripts package
$ sudo pacman -S blackarch-install-scripts

# Now, you can run and follow the instructions
$ sudo blackarch-install

Download BlackArch Linux 2020.12.01

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