Top 10 Unlocking UNIX Commands Cheat sheet: Your Ultimate Command-line


If you’re new to Unix commands, it’s natural to feel a bit overwhelmed. However, there’s no need to worry because we’re here to help. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just starting to learn Unix, having a cheat sheet of essential commands can make your life easier and your command-line experience smoother.

Let’s jump right in and explore these important Unix commands cheat sheet.

1. Navigation Commands:

cd [directory]: Change directory.
ls: List files and directories.
pwd: Print the current working directory.
mkdir [directory]: Create a new directory.
rm [file]: Remove/delete a file.
rmdir [directory]: Remove/delete an empty directory.

2. File Manipulation Commands:

cp [source] [destination]: Copy files or directories.
mv [source] [destination]: Move or rename files or directories.
cat [file]: Display the contents of a file.
nano [file] or vim [file]: Open a text editor to edit a file.
touch [file]: Create an empty file or update the access and modification timestamps.

3. File Permission Commands:

    chmod [permissions] [file]: Change file permissions.
    chown [user:group] [file]: Change file owner.
    chgrp [group] [file]: Change file group.

    4. Process Management Commands:

      ps: Display a snapshot of the current processes.
      kill [PID]: Terminate a process using its process ID.
      pkill [process name]: Send a signal to a process based on its name.

      5. System Information Commands:

        uname -a: Display system information.
        df: Show disk space usage.
        free: Display amount of free and used system memory.

        6. Search and Filter Commands:

          grep [pattern] [file]: Search for a specific pattern in a file.
          find [directory] -name [filename]: Search for files and directories.

          7. Compress and Decompress Commands:

            tar -cvf [archive name] [directory]: Create a tarball from a directory.
            tar -xvf [archive name]: Extract files from a tarball.
            gzip [file] or gunzip [file]: Compress or decompress a file.

            8. Networking Commands:

            ping [host]: Check connectivity to a host.
            ifconfig or ip a: Display network interfaces and their configurations.
            netstat or ss: Display network statistics.

            9. User Account Commands:

            whoami: Display the current logged-in user.
            passwd: Change user password.
            useradd [username]: Add a new user.

            10. Miscellaneous Commands:

            echo [text]: Display a message on the screen.
            date: Display the current date and time.
            history: Display command history.

            Make navigating these Unix command in line a breeze with these helpful commands. Print out this handy cheat sheet and stick it to your desk to improve your Unix skills. Happy coding!

            Also See: NMAP Commands Cheatsheet

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