RedEye To Manage Data During Pentest Operation

RedEye Pentest
RedEye Pentest

This project was built by pentesters for pentesters.

Redeye is a open source suite to help you manage your data during a pentest operation in the most efficient and organized way.


The Server panel will display all added server and basic information about the server such as: owned user, open port and if has been pwned.

Redeye Servers
Redeye Network Servers

After entering the server, An edit panel will appear. We can add new users found on the server, Found vulnerabilities and add relevant attain and files.

Redeye EditServer
Redeye EditServer

Users panel contains all found users from all servers, The users are categorized by permission level and type. Those details can be chaned by hovering on the username.

Files panel will display all the files from the current pentest operation. A team member can upload and download those files.

Attack vector panel will display all found attack vectors with Severity/Plausibility/Risk graphs.

Redeye AttackVector
Redeye AttackVector

PreReport panel will contain all the screenshots from the current pentesting.

Redeye PreReport
Redeye PreReport for Pentest Operation

Graph panel will contain all of the Users and Servers and the relationship between them.

Redeye Graph
Redeye Graph

APIs allow users to effortlessly retrieve data by making simple API requests.

curl redeye.local:8443/api/servers –silent -H “Token: redeye_61a8fc25-105e-4e70-9bc3-58ca75e228ca” | jq
curl redeye.local:8443/api/users –silent -H “Token: redeye_61a8fc25-105e-4e70-9bc3-58ca75e228ca” | jq
curl redeye.local:8443/api/exploits –silent -H “Token: redeye_61a8fc25-105e-4e70-9bc3-58ca75e228ca” | jq



Pull from GitHub container registry.

git clone
cd Redeye
docker-compose up -d

Start/Stop the container

sudo docker-compose start/stop

Save/Load Redeye

docker save neo4j:4.4.9 > Redeye.tar
docker load < Redeye.tar

GitHub container registry:


git clone
cd Redeye
sudo apt install python3.8-venv
python3 -m venv RedeyeVirtualEnv
source RedeyeVirtualEnv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 RedDB/
python3 --safe


Redeye will listen on:

Default Credentials:

username: redeye
password: redeye

Neo4j will listen on:

Default Credentials:

username: neo4j
password: redeye

Download RedEye

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